Create more engaging and targeted analysis for their
players & film quality improvements


Wanderers were struggling with filming matches with an unselected or injured player often filming. Often the filming was poor or not done. This had a knock on effect in terms of viewability and engagement of the video from players. Coaches subsequently didn’t get to use their knowledge and take advantage of analysis to improve players.

There was low engagement when analysis was done due to too much untargeted analysis with numerous clips and a lack of purpose on delivery. Wanderers FC’s head coach Eoin Sheriff identified that the players were not engaging on their platform of a private facebook group due to the age profile of the team.


We set the goals of improving the filming quality for Wanderers FC
Create more engaging and targeted analysis for their players
Use a new platform for players to watch the video


On weighing up the balance of using an injured player, finding a dedicated club volunteer to filming games and using a contractor to film games, the club decided it would be best to go with BF Sports Analysis filming. This took the head ache of finding someone to film, training them up and dealing with the footage post match and left it all in the hands of BF Sports Analysis.

“The filming is great, knowing you’re getting a high quality filming with 2 angles and that they’ll be on your laptop before you leave the clubhouse allows me to begin doing my own analysis straight away and gives me flexibility to work on the game whenever suits me on the weekend or Monday. I know we have that advantage over other clubs.”

– Eoin Sheriff, Wanderers FC Head Coach

“Coaches at this level have a job as well as coaching, that is why we value their time so much. After a game we get the footage on coaches’ Eoin and Tommy’s laptop about an hour after the game finishes.”

– Brian Fitzpatrick, Owner BF Sports Analysis

The reduced responsibility for coaches pre-game preparing for someone to film the game and post-game cutting and uploading allowing them to focus their energy on developing their team and feedback for players.


Eoin mentioned in his discovery meeting that he wanted to be able to talk with players about video more directly rather than in a group due to their older player profile. The most direct way to deliver individual videos to players is through whatsapp with it being the most popular messaging app in Ireland. BF Sports Analysis set Wanderers up with NacSport Scout plus to be able to do their own editing of videos and sending on custom individual videos.

Getting NacSport Scout plus also introduced the idea of using a 2nd camera angle as now Wanderers would have access to a software that allowed them to watch the tight and wide angles simultaneously. We begin our analysis as soon as possible for Wanderers sometimes completing the analysis on Saturday night.

A 3 year costing was made on their analysis spending so the club could project their outgoings and compare other analysis strategies going forward.

We suggested NacSport in this instance as this the only sports analysis software that operates on a lifetime license. We worked with Wanderers training them in how to use NacSport to ensure they got value out of their investment.

“The analysis is class, we get our stats sheets that give me a bit context to what I watched and narrow down what I should watch next. It also gives me a bit of a reference sheet for when we play that team next or have that referee next time. Brian taught us how to import the BF Sports Analysis .xml and I can easily watch all sorts of the game filtered down exactly like how an analysis room in pro rugby works.”

– Eoin Sheriff, Wanderers FC Head Coach

Audit your sports analysis processes to ensure you get the most out of your work


Many of the players didn’t use or login to facebook. When they did it was a distracting presence for them. It was identified that it would be best to use a platform that didn’t require logging in with little distraction inside the platform. This ruled out online specialist analysis platforms in this circumstance. YouTube unlisted videos were identified as the best solution for Wanderers.

YouTube’s integration with WhatsApp suited their current communication system.

With the coaches upskilling in how to use NacSport, we thought them how to export small size videos so they can send them directly on WhatsApp web to the players or unit groups.


“We didn’t realise the benefit we could get out of the statistical analysis at this level. Brian was open enough about the limitations of numbers and stats at this level due to the small sample size.”

– Eoin Sheriff, Wanderers FC Head Coach

After a period of giving away numerous penalties in matches, BF Sports Analysis undertook a mini project of describing where penalties were coming from. This visualised what type of penalties were been given away and what effect they were having in terms of meters gained in kicks to touch and points from kicks at goal.

“We were able to look at those stats and see that we were the highest out of BFSA clients and their opponents in certain types of defensive and attacking penalties, this allowed us to focus our training and messages on what we needed to improve on.”

– Eoin Sheriff, Wanderers FC Head Coach

In the 2019-20 season, we developed our xP method for rating attacking and defensive efficiency.

“The xP idea is really cool, it sounded complex at first but now I understand it, I can compare the value of doing things well and how it effects how likely we are to win a match or impact our league position over a season. That allows us to compare different elements of the game over a season and understand our return from counter attacks and lineouts in certain areas of the pitch.”

– Eoin Sheriff, Wanderers FC Head Coach


  • Wanderers reduced admin
  • Filming with 2 angles
  • Coaches upskilled in analysis software
  • Sustained growth planned for analysis in the club
  • Efficient analysis every match week
  • Understanding on using those numbers increased
  • Access to more data to use those comparisons


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